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Welcome to the site! I use this primarily as a learning tool - my own version of the Feynman technique. It is not financial, legal, marital, or any other form of advice. Do NOT take trades or make investment decisions based on the information herein.


In the Archives, you'll find a wealth of info on trading and investing, as well as the most essential elements from the CFA, and MSc Finance curriculum's.

There's also a lot of material on psychology, mindset, and productivity.

The bookshelf contains summaries of some of the best books I've read. I try to only highlight the most important points to help jog my memory - if you find a summary that resonates with you, I recommend reading the actual book.


There's more than one way to skin a cat.


There is more than one way to extract money from the financial markets, and in this game there is endless opportunity - I personally advocate taking a broad approach;

Learn economics - get familiar with interest rates, with inflation, with the various markets, and business cycles. You need to understand monetary and fiscal policy, foreign exchange, and how various outcomes get priced into the market ahead of time.

Study security analysis to differentiate between price and value. It's important to be able to form an estimate of the underlying value of a business. Explore the various approaches to asset valuation and learn how to move between past, present, and future cash flows.

Start trading and get a feel for the technicals. Develop an understanding of market micro-structure and how other participants might be positioned. Learn how to read a chart and interpret the classic indicators. Sharpen your risk management skills and practice sticking to a plan.

Spending time on any one of the 3 areas will put you miles ahead of the average trader or investor. Obsessing over all 3 will make you unstoppable.


Thinking in Probabilities

Market Structure

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